Sunday, September 12, 2004

Booking in blues...

Lol, always come to a booking in blues... feeling tired, sleepy, feel like eating... probably the first time I feel it this way...

But at least there are some morale boasting things happening around...
1) I got my 1st pay via bank. Feel like it's a real pay, woo >_<
2) At least I managed to play DOD at least twice (probably the 3rd time later)
3) At least I managed to catch up (anime) with whatever I watching

That seems to be a very good news for me :D

Well for this week, probably there are some new fresh stuff waiting for me, can't wait >_<
1) Live range (hate the sound of the gun)
2) 1st time eating (2nd time actually) combat rations
3) 1st time having route march

Not to mentioned the army way of training from Platoon Sergeant... woo >_< can't wait to book out in again... >_<


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