Booking in blues part 5 (7 more weeks to POP...)
Today's booking in timing is 1845, sian... hopefully there's more time to prepare this week. This week is another BCCT, cocked up martial arts. Those that I can learn outside is much better than that. This week also introduced to us the SOC, omg! >_< I'm hoping that I can stand it! >_<
The Field Camp...
It was fine if you ask me, except I have to bear the 1st 3 days with the shitting feelings and with a large pile on my shit hole. Pretty terrible. Terrible till I can't remember what's going on on the 1st 3 days. But on the 4th day morning, I shitted everything, cause I know that day I will have tough training.
Indeed we have our tough training, camo ourselves and do some stuff others won't do, like fooling the location from the OC, it was hilarious! >_< But some misfortune incident happened when one of my platoon mate faint from dehydration. I was shocked and react immediately to call for medic. But that fucking driver just taking his nap there and act like nothing happen. Chee bye! >_<
But he's ok and the training goes on.
When it's time to co-operate with my section, of course, things doesn't goes well too and I became very pissed off. But after one of my section mates says, "You think you sergeant meh?" I was awoken. Yes, I hope to be a sergeant, but the way I act, they not happy I also understand. There's nothing I could do but to complain to my parents about it, and the same advise goes. "Do not butt into other people's business." I guess that'll remain as my motto from now on then.
On the 5th day, the day we leave the camp, the day we booked out, alot of things cocked up. My rations is in my field pack, before I know it, they brought it back to co. line. There goes my lunch... I was hungry and tired and they ordered us to clean our rifles. OMG! My cleaning kit is ALSO in my field pack... -_-.
What's worse, the stupid blank that I fired is faulty, which cause my whole rifle to jam badly! GOSH! When it's time to leave, I was 1/2 sian liao... Came back, feel quite unfamiliar with my surrounding, then I came back to bunk. Packed my stuff, and before I knew it, "SEND ARMS!"... "FUCK!" I thought, grab my "things" and rush down. (one of my bunk mates is pissed off for someone stealing his towel, well... he's my arm skurt 2IC...)
When sending arms, we are told to finish it in 2 min 30 sec. And I brief on my platoon for that. They seems letargic, so I expect we'll sure die. But I still put a little hope. "SEND ARMS!" the things started. When I finish, I was like, "Ok, quite fast..." then that fucking Sgt.Chris tells me 5 min +... WTF! Impossible... Then he say the timing between Platoon 1 and 2 mixed up and guess what, platoon 1's arm skurt 2 person genna, we whole platoon arm skurt genna, how unfair!
My morale went down. While bringing the book to my DI and sign, I did something that I never ever thought of doing, "complain...". I complained about that thing, and Sgt.Ngiam, the Sgt I respect the most tells me he'll handle it. I came back to the arm skurt, ordered to mop the floor, and I'm so moraleless that I dropped the mop like 10+ times accidentally (really accidentally)... Not only me, but alot also pissed off with Sgt.Chris, but I try to control myself about it. Yes, I shown him some fucked-up attitude when he ask me "What you've learn from this?", I replied him "Nothing, sergeant..." and walk off. When I saw my platoon is still there, I was like... "Hmm? What's going on?" (They should have march off for dinner). Sgt.Ngiam says he've told the whole platoon what happen, and the whole platoon will not move until we are done... I was like "OMG! THAT'S EVEN WORSE!" (personally I do not know what Sgt.Ngiam trying to do, but I thought it's another punishment...) I tell my assistant to hurry up and we march off for dinner. My morale is literally 0...
Before I booked out I saw Sgt.Ngiam, my thinking is either...
1) He'll just overlook this incident and well, it's normal for me....
2) He'll come over to ask me about the incident and we try to talk over it... which I don't expect that...
"2" really happened. I was like omg... I explained everything to Sgt.Ngiam and he clears up the air in the way it should be. He earns my respect even more >_<
I booked out with a super-heavy duffel bags, but I still managed to carry it all the way... I guess it's because I regain a little morale from Sgt.Ngiam... I don't really looking forward for book out, that should confirm about it...
This week...
Kinda bad I've said, I guess what I'll do is stay out of business from now on for my section... I'll just go through the next 5 days, and then... book out on a saturday evening....
Next week...
The week I've been looking for... The line between me and SISPEC. I'll not screw up like what I did at range, I'll do it as normal as I can, cause I know I'm a natural-born leader...
Gtg, need to rush through everything already, I'm afraid I might be late already. But anyway, wish me good luck! >_<
Field camp's photo!

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